Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meeting Monica in Japan

So here I am after 10 weeks of internship... With no new blog posts since the beginning of the summer. xD I know I said I'd blog more because I wouldn't have homework or any studying to do, but by the time I'd get home from the lab, I'd be too tired to do anything! U__U

So today I'll be going back in time... All the way to January when Take-chan and I met up with Monica Ai in Shibuya! xD It was a short meet-up, but I had lots of fun! We had lunch, visited an arcade, and took tons of purikura. ♥ She even gave me a gift of yummy Japanese snacks! I was so touched. Thank you, Monica! T__T

She looks so gorgeous both in photos and in person! *__* ♥

We ate at a pasta place and this is what I ordered. So yummy!

Saw the cutest Pikachu plushie at an arcade. I wanted him so much, but I'm not very good at arcade games. D:

Getting crepes. ♥

A big thank you to my Take-chan for helping me take photos! ^__^ ♥

Lastly, here are some of the purikura we took. Stole these from Monica! ♥

There were so many cute purikura designs! Way better than the old machines we have in LA.

And the craziest part is that we somehow color coordinated! I swear it wasn't planned! xD

And of course, me and my awesome photographer! xD Thanks again to Monica for sending me the digital copies of all the purikura!

Too bad our time was cut short... D: We both had very busy schedules, but I'm glad we could meet up even for just a little while. Hopefully I can visit her in Hawaii or see her here in LA! ^__^ She is such a sweet person and super easy to to talk to. I hope we can hang out again soon! ♥


  1. Wahh~ Looks like you guys had a great time together! c: Love the puris you took~

  2. You both look great (^.^)

  3. 2 cutiepies :D i've been following monica on instagram :D 

  4.  I follow her too! She always posts great photos. ♥

  5. Oh! You look so cute! : D The puri with the tower looks so magical!

  6. omg girlie i miss you!!! wow my face was kind of big. well it still is but ugh. i wanna take puri with you again~~ omg come visit hawaii! janis and haylee are here! LOL

  7. Sooo pretty pictures, cute!!


  8. Awww, thanks! :3 I love the background on that one too. It's so simple but still so cute.

  9. Omg what are you talking about?! U__U You're beautiful, Monica! ♥ But yes, we need to take more purikura! And believe me, I'd be in Hawaii in a hearbeat if I had the funds. Especially now that all you ladies are there! Too much awesomeness in one awesome location. *__* ♥

  10. oh!!! finally :) it's been awhile since you updated. from the looks of it, you looked like you were having a blast!

  11. Oh my gosh you and Take-san are so adorbs together, and lovely coordination with Monica!! I hope I can meet you one day in Cali and take a picture with youuuu :3 if we are lucky we will match as well ♪

  12. Awww this post is super old! I remember seeing Monica post it lol. I love the purikura! And cute that you guys kinda colour coordinated! ^^

    xoxo tifuani

  13. oh girl you so tiny!! well all my friends are pretty tiny D: and i knowwww! seriously you need to come visit when everyone is here :) we'd have so much fun!

  14. Yes, it's been such a long time. Thank you for continuing to follow me! ^__^

  15. Thank you so much, Mitsuki! :3 I would love to meet you too! Let me know if you ever come to LA. ♥

  16. LOL! Yeah, it's way overdue. xD And thanks! ♥

  17. You look soo cute. I like this puris. Jummy, I love this omelet, dessert rolls.
    Really cute blog, maybe you take also a look into mine ;) Have a nice day


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