Absolutely gorgeous weather that day. Super excited for the festival! ♥

They had this really funky band playing when we got there. I loved every song they performed! Really good songs to lock to... In fact, Take-chan started locking in front of the stage because nobody else wanted to dance! xD

Green tea to quench our thirst.

The okonomiyaki was so good! *__* ♥

More green tea! xD This time in shaved ice form with sweet azuki beans on top. SUCH a good combination!

They were selling so many different masks! I've never had one before, so Take-chan bought me a Chopper mask. ♥ He got the Goku one... xD

Take-chan putting for a prize! The consolation prizes were so good. One pack of Hi-Chew for every game you play! *__*

Another one of the many games we played... I don't know what this one is called, but you basically have to go fishing and hook onto one of the water-filled balloons without your string breaking.

I thought I would fail miserably, but I managed to snag two! :D

We also got these adorable matching Stitch plushies, and their attire was quite appropriate for the festivities going on that day! :3
I also ran into this really sweet girl that recognized me from my blog! xD I wasn't sure if it was okay for me to post the photo I took with you, but I just wanted to say thank you so much for coming up to me and saying hello! It really made me happy and it motivates me to blog more often! ^__^ ♥