One of the two gorgeous posters that Michi made. She's so talented! ♥

This is actually ShibuyaLA's second store, except that this particular one sells only underwear and pajamas.

The shop's design is really cute! The front part has an "outside" feel to it. It had this mailbox, a welcome sign, light posts, and even a bench, all on a tiled floor.

And then there's the "inner portion" that showcases all the cute and sexy underwear. :3 If you look closely, you'll notice that the carpet is pink leopard print! *__*

I also finally got my hands on these lashes that day! I was dying to try them out after seeing them being advertised all over the magazines...

... And I absolutely loved them! :D These are my favorite lashes right now. ♥

Me, Nana, and Michi! We came together and had lunch before setting up for the party.

They're such cuties! :3

Then my lovely Marissa arrived! She looked perfect as usual. xD

It was actually my first time meeting Nana that day. She's so sweet!

And then June came along. :3

Strike a pose! xD

More gals kept arriving! xD This time it's the lovely Steph. ♥

And of course, Marie Amy!

Transformation! ♥ Once things were set up and more people started arriving, I changed into my outfit for the night. Michi also fixed up my hair so that I had twisties! :3

Finally got to wear my Golds Infinity dress for the first time! ♥ It's different from my normal style, but I really like it! ^__^

Hiromi came too! :D

One of the many group photos we took that night. So many lovely gals! I met a lot of new people and saw tons of old friends. ♥

June is just too adorable. I want to pinch her cheeks! :3

Can't forget my Take-chan! He's always there to support me, and I'm so grateful for that. ♥

With Tiffany and Kelly, the lovely ladies of Hime Style!

With Greg, Del, and Michi of Tune in Tokyo. They're the ones that make these events possible. Thank you so much, guys!

Mandie and Oli arrive to the party lookin' super cute!

Gals everywhere! From left to right: Emy, Grace, me, and Essy. ♥

Got to meet Alice for the first time too! :3

As well as Thu!

And I also met Anz Falcon! Man, I'm on a roll... Who's next? xD

Purin and Momoko too?! So many lovely ladies at this party! I'm really happy that I got to see each and every one of them. ^__^

And last but not least, a lovely group shot by Ben! Be sure to check out his amazing photos from the party. ^__^
Stay tuned for the next event! ♥