On the way to the train station.
It was still a few days before New Year's, so 109 wasn't that crowded yet. There were already some great sales going on!

With one of the shop staff from Rose Fan Fan. She was such a sweetheart! :3 I was eyeing her coat, but I figured I should browse other shops first. Rose Fan Fan has a really great variety of clothing, and the best part is that their prices are very reasonable.

Went to Liz Lisa of course, and Nan-chan was still working there! ♥ I was so touched that she still remembered me after a year. T__T I didn't even realize it until later, but the outfit I chose to purchase was the exact same one she was wearing... Just like the last time I was there! xD
So after looking around the shops for a while, Frank and I left early so we could go home and get some rest for the next day: Tokyo Disney Sea! :D