This post is way overdue. It's been almost a month since the Galifornia Disneyland meet-up, but I still remember how much fun it was! The weather was awesome, too! Sunny all day and not too cold at night... Perfect for watching the fireworks and Fantasmic! ♥

In our Mickey and Minnie-themed outfits! Everyone looked so adorable! :3 From left to right: Me, Michi, Mei, Val, Rina, Leah, and Courtney. ♥

Me and Michi sippin' on our frozen lemonade! ♥

Obligatory "behind the bars" photo. :3

Agepoyo with Mickey! xD We were expecting Mickey to be in his normal attire (which would've been awesome because he would've matched us), but he was dressed in old school black and white! U.U

It got super hot! Maybe because Cass joined us. xD

I love how Steph and Leah had matching outfits without even planning it!

More matching cuteness! :3
And that's pretty much the gist of it. We rode tons of rides and watched both the fireworks and Fantasmic (with special thanks to Mei and Rina for getting us awesome seats). It was so much fun! Hopefully we can do it again soon. (´▽`) ♥
On a side note, I've decided to delete Disqus and stick with Blogger's crappy commenting system for now. I spent so much time trying to figure out how to get Disqus to work on my blog, and when I finally did, it didn't even last that long. U.U