As of yesterday, Take-chan and I have been together for four and a half years! (´▽`) Since we both had the day off, we spent it together. ♥ I wore my newest LIZ LISA dress for the special occasion.

Hippie band: Claire's
Onepiece: Liz Lisa
Boots: Zara

This dress is so comfy! And the detailing is just lovely. ♥

Our day was very relaxing. After eating the usual ramen at Santouka, we splitscreened on Black Ops for a while. xD It's so different playing it on the PS3 since the controllers are so much lighter than the ones for Xbox. What a stressful game... Unless you're playing on Nuketown, people tend to hide somewhere and "camp" for kills, which really doesn't require much skill at all. ~__~
Anywho, for dinner we had shabu shabu at Shin-Sen-Gumi! :D It was so amazing! The food is delicious and all of the workers are ikemen! xD It's a bit pricey, though, but Take-chan said it's cheap compared to Japan.

This was towards the end of the night, so my hair was losing its curls. I was trying really hard to look awake for this photo! I was in a mad food coma...

Sometime last week, Take-chan noticed some SCawaii magazines that were on sale, so he got them for me! One of them came with a really cute Ravijour hair bow. ♥

And for our four and half years, he got me this adorable Rilakkuma 2011 schedule book!I'm so happy I got to sleep in today! I really need to start studying for my upcoming Biology exam... It's next week already! (゚д゚)